Объявления от 真・女神転生IMAGINE - NewOrder

Последняя информация

Сервер и контент обновлены до последней версии 6.667
Comp_client.dll и translation.xml так же обновлены.

- WILDCAT(!) режимы для Накано Руин, Сибуя Кварца и Башни Целу. Лист наград расширен.
- BEARCAT(Silver USO) режимы Башни Целу и Сугинами Тоннелей получили собственную награду: Шары навыков "C4U!" и "Bitter Powder", а так же Джет-кристаллы для оружия. Выдаётся автоматически после победы над боссом каждому в комнате.
- Шанс на дополнительные Злые Кристаллы после победы над Масакадо.
- В Valuable Challenge теперь можно получить демон версии IX и X Таро.
- Расширен лист обмена у Робоко: средние руны пачками по 5 штук, массовый обмен SP-билетов.
- Облегчены многие миксы.
- Увеличены стаки предметов.
- Превью для новых демонов больше не сломаны.
- Новые предметы у DB Энн. Добавлены Motion COMP: невидимые предметы, которые изменяют анимацию персонажа.
- Небольшие изменения в COMP-SHOP. Добавлены WILDCAT-расходники.
- Новое подземелье COMP-HACK Dungeon FS. Специально для жёлтого снега. Помимо этого, в нём можно получить нового демона высокого ранга и специального демона.
Для входа нужно поговорить с неким Демоноборцем недалеко от Казино.
- Новогодняя десятидневная логин-компания. Каждый день можно получать небольшой подарок при разговоре со специальным НПС.
Отдельная опция для тех, кто не сможет логиниться каждый день.
- Новогодние декорации в Вавилоне Синдзюку. Отдельное спасибо Trafuri за иллюстрацию.

Удачной охоты, и счастливого Нового Года.
На сервер установлен патч обновления 6.666

Хитрый Яги прокопал проход в комплекс Шаншан-Сити, что бы поживиться неразграбленными ресурсами, вот только оказалось, что демоны уже давно облюбовали это место и превратили торговый комплекс в своё логово. Хитрый Яги не расстроился — он знает, что Демоноборцы готовы заплатить за вход...
Новое классическое подземелье — торговый центр Икебукуро. В наградах: плагины новых демонов(4), их души, несколько эпитафий и набор умений, ранее недоступный.
Вход расположен недалеко от Обители Ереси(Собор теней) в Икебукуро. Нет уровневого ограничения, но у опытных Демоноборцев есть преимущество.

Но это ещё не всё.

Миры продолжают смещаться, образуя странные переплетения. Небольшая часть чёрного храма Амары стала доступной для исследования, но не обманитесь знакомым обликом — теперь это нестабильный бесконечный лабиринт из комнат, в котором не стоит долго находиться.
Новое подземелье — чёрный лабиринт Амары. Одиночное подземелье, ограниченное по времени.
Награды зависят от количества пройденных комнат, а смерть персонажа или совершённая ошибка обнуляют счётчик.
Вход расположен недалеко от Обители Ереси(Собор теней) в Икебукуро.
Уровневое ограничение: 90+, Лицензия класса Б(Акт 16). Действует временное ограничение на повторный вход.

Но и это не конец.

Двое персонажей, готовых обменять [Counterfeit Macca].
Обменник для Таро — можно найти в Протопии.
Несколько новых предметов в COMP_SHOP.
Немного изменённые награды за подземелья.
Ну и, конечно, набор последних исправлений и запрошенных предметов.

Удачной охоты.
Сервер обновлён до версии Cerberus_Wyrd_4.11.99
Установлены конфиги "Cerberus_Sigel_Server_Files_5-1".
"Ещё фиксы для Shinagawa Catacombs (Gold), а также несколько различных исправлений для квестов и других подземелий."

На сервер установлен патч обновления 6.665

Nakano Ruins and Shibuya Quartz are joining -Known pack.
Requires 90+ lvl and C-class license.

2 Unk. plates + 1 MAG Presser = Celu Tower(!)
2 Unk. plates + 1 Masakadus = Shibuya Quartz(!)
2 Unk. plates + 1 Abyss Tower Key = Nakano Ruins(!)
X10 recipes are also present.

Endgame weapon options for Shotgun and Axe, as well as their demon versions.
Handgun and Two-Handed Sword received demon versions too.
White License set now has demon version.

3 new hairstyles. Female-only this time.

New NPC in Nakano Camp that sells and buys some of Satan instance items.
Only for those who completed final quests for Kuroe, Azura and Setsu in Nakano Camp.

Shinjuku Wonder Underground(Elevator) activated.

Весёлой охоты!
На сервер установлен патч обновления 6.664

Когда миры сталкиваются, Тёмные Призыватели всегда неподалёку. И мы нашли одного из них.
Встречайте: Распутин, хост ДаркБабельских развлечений нового уровня.

Добавлен новый босс высокого уровня сложности.
Конечно же, награда стоит того - вы можете получить плагин,
сфьюзить нового дьявола и экипировать его новыми DF предметами и эпитафиями.

Помимо этого, большинство расовых особенностей теперь заменяемы.
Теперь твоя вайфу может перестать собирать пыль в депозитории.

Весёлой охоты!
Очень неудачливые люди, не надо плакать — всё вышеперечисленное можно получить и через бартер.
Из-за технических ограничений, превью нового дьявола недоступно при фьюзе, но если плагин получен, всё сработает
Сервер обновлён до последней версии.
Установлены последние конфиги.
"Chain of Curse, various bug fixes"

На сервер установлен патч обновления 6.663

Unknown version for Celu Tower. To obtain the plate, you have to mix two Suginami Unknown plates.
Difficulty and exp gain increased. Rewards may be changed.
Shiva's skillset adjustement. No more useless punch.
DSP disabled in PVP.
PVP ghosts enabled to allow matches with low number of participants.
Сервер обновлён до последней версии.
Установлены конфиги "Cerberus_Laguz_Server_Files_1-9".
"Nakano Boundless Domain, Main Acts (17 through 20-2 and XX), roughly 85% of one off events complete, and bug fixes. Reposted to fix typo with Act 17"

На сервер установлен патч обновления 6.662

Shiva and Vishnu are reincarnated with new powers. You can meet them in TMG building.
Access requies Yantra of Prosperity or Destruction, both can be found in Cathedral reward chests(hard mode).
Also, increased stack size for some items, added mass item mix recipes for AKQJ boxes(excluding WILDCARD) and removed city decorations.
На сервер установлен патч обновления 6.661

-DB Anne stock update.
-City decorations.
-Updater icon.

Last news

Server and content updated to latest versions 6.667
Comp_client.dll and translation.xml updated as well.

-WILDCAT mode for Nakano Ruins, Shibuya Quartz and Celu Tower. Reward list expanded.
-BEARCAT Silver USO modes for Celu Tower and Suginami Tunnels now have special low-rate rewards: Skill Orbs for "C4U!" and "Bitter Powder", as well as Jet Crystals for weapons. Added automatically to everyone in the room after boss defeat.
-Chance to get additional Evil Crystals after defeating Masakado.
-Valuable Challenge now has Demon versions of IX and X tarots.
-Roboko barter list expanded: medium runes in 5-packs and mass barter for SP tickets.
-A lot of item mixes been made easier.
-Items stack increased.
-Previews for new demon fusions are no longer broken.
-DB Ann has new items. Motion COMPs added: invisible items that only change character's animation.
-Little changes to COMP-SHOP. Added WILDCAT consumables.
-New COMP-HACK Dungeon FS. Built specially for yellow snow. Apart from it, new high-tier demon and special demon are obtainable there.
To enter, talk to a certain DB not so far from Casino.
-New Year 10-days login campaign. Every day you can receive a little gift for talking to special NPC.
Also an option for people who won't be able to login every day.
-New Year decorations for Shinjuku Babel. Thanks to Trafuri for illustration.

Happy hunting, and happy New Year.
Update 6.666 are installed

Sly Yagi dug up a hole to get into ShanShan-City, so he can grab untouched resources lying there. However, turns out demons already made the mall their nest. Sly Yagi is not upset — he knows, Demon Busters are ready to pay to get an entry...
New classic dungeon: Ikebukuro Mall. Rewards are: new demons' plugins(4), their DSouls, several new Epitaphs and a set of skills that were unavailable.
Entrance is located near Cathedral of Shadows, in Ikebukuro.
No level restriction, but experienced DBs have an advantage.

But it's not everything.

Worlds continue to collide, creating strange interweavings. Part of Black Amala Temple is available, but don't get fooled by familiar looks: this place is now unstable infinite maze, and one should not spend too much time there.
New dungeon: Amala Maze Black. Solo dungeon with timer.
Reward depends on amount of rooms you've cleared, dying or making a mistake resets the counter.
Entrance is located near Cathedral of Shadows, in Ikebukuro.
Level restriction: 90+, B-class license(Act 16). Re-entry is restricted by time.

And this is not the end too.

Two persons are ready to trade [Counterfeit Macca].
Tarot exchanger — you can find it in Protopia.
Several new items in COMP_SHOP.
Slightly changed dungeon rewards.
And, of course, latest set of fixes and requested items.

Happy hunting.
Server updated to the Cerberus_Wyrd_4.11.99
The latest configs "Cerberus_Sigel_Server_Files_5-1" are installed.
"More fixes for Shinagawa Catacombs (Gold), as well as several miscellaneous fixes for quests and other dungeons."

Update 6.665 are installed

Nakano Ruins and Shibuya Quartz are joining -Known pack.
Requires 90+ lvl and C-class license.

2 Unk. plates + 1 MAG Presser = Celu Tower(!)
2 Unk. plates + 1 Masakadus = Shibuya Quartz(!)
2 Unk. plates + 1 Abyss Tower Key = Nakano Ruins(!)
X10 recipes are also present.

Endgame weapon options for Shotgun and Axe, as well as their demon versions.
Handgun and Two-Handed Sword received demon versions too.
White License set now has demon version.

3 new hairstyles. Female-only this time.

New NPC in Nakano Camp that sells and buys some of Satan instance items.
Only for those who completed final quests for Kuroe, Azura and Setsu in Nakano Camp.

Shinjuku Wonder Underground(Elevator) activated.

Happy hunting.
Update 6.664 are installed

When worlds collide, Dark Summoners are always near. And we have found one.
Introducing Rasputin, a host to the new level of Dark Babel entertainment.

This brings us a boss fight of high difficulty level.
Of course, the reward is worth it — you can obtain a plugin,
fuse new devil and equip it with new DF items and epitaph.

Other than that, most racial features are now replaceable.
Now your waifu may stop collecting dust in depository.
Happy hunting!
Barter option for extremely unlucky people is also present, so do not cry.
You won't be able to preview new devil during fuse, but as long as you have the plugin, it is fusable.
Servers updated to latest version.
The latest configs are installed.
"Chain of Curse, various bug fixes"

Update 6.663 are installed

Unknown version for Celu Tower. To obtain the plate, you have to mix two Suginami Unknown plates.
Difficulty and exp gain increased. Rewards may be changed.
Shiva's skillset adjustement. No more useless punch.
DSP disabled in PVP.
PVP ghosts enabled to allow matches with low number of participants.
Servers updated to latest version.
The latest configs are installed.
"Nakano Boundless Domain, Main Acts (17 through 20-2 and XX), roughly 85% of one off events complete, and bug fixes. Reposted to fix typo with Act 17"

Update 6.662 are installed

Shiva and Vishnu are reincarnated with new powers. You can meet them in TMG building.
Access requies Yantra of Prosperity or Destruction, both can be found in Cathedral reward chests(hard mode).
Also, increased stack size for some items, added mass item mix recipes for AKQJ boxes(excluding WILDCARD) and removed city decorations.
Update 6.661 are installed

-Hairstyles: Furiae(F), Celaeno(F), Dwarf(M), Indra(M).
-Head gear: Odin, Morrigan, Nyarlathotep.
-Back gear: Seth, Metatron, Metatron. -Extra: SMT armband.


已安裝更新 6.667

Comp_client.dll and translation.xml updated as well.

-WILDCAT mode for Nakano Ruins, Shibuya Quartz and Celu Tower. Reward list expanded.
-BEARCAT Silver USO modes for Celu Tower and Suginami Tunnels now have special low-rate rewards: Skill Orbs for "C4U!" and "Bitter Powder", as well as Jet Crystals for weapons. Added automatically to everyone in the room after boss defeat.
-Chance to get additional Evil Crystals after defeating Masakado.
-Valuable Challenge now has Demon versions of IX and X tarots.
-Roboko barter list expanded: medium runes in 5-packs and mass barter for SP tickets.
-A lot of item mixes been made easier.
-Items stack increased.
-Previews for new demon fusions are no longer broken.
-DB Ann has new items. Motion COMPs added: invisible items that only change character's animation.
-Little changes to COMP-SHOP. Added WILDCAT consumables.
-New COMP-HACK Dungeon FS. Built specially for yellow snow. Apart from it, new high-tier demon and special demon are obtainable there.
To enter, talk to a certain DB not so far from Casino.
-New Year 10-days login campaign. Every day you can receive a little gift for talking to special NPC.
Also an option for people who won't be able to login every day.
-New Year decorations for Shinjuku Babel. Thanks to Trafuri for illustration.

Happy hunting, and happy New Year.
已安裝更新 6.666

Sly Yagi dug up a hole to get into ShanShan-City, so he can grab untouched resources lying there. However, turns out demons already made the mall their nest. Sly Yagi is not upset — he knows, Demon Busters are ready to pay to get an entry...
New classic dungeon: Ikebukuro Mall. Rewards are: new demons' plugins(4), their DSouls, several new Epitaphs and a set of skills that were unavailable.
Entrance is located near Cathedral of Shadows, in Ikebukuro.
No level restriction, but experienced DBs have an advantage.

But it's not everything.

Worlds continue to collide, creating strange interweavings. Part of Black Amala Temple is available, but don't get fooled by familiar looks: this place is now unstable infinite maze, and one should not spend too much time there.
New dungeon: Amala Maze Black. Solo dungeon with timer.
Reward depends on amount of rooms you've cleared, dying or making a mistake resets the counter.
Entrance is located near Cathedral of Shadows, in Ikebukuro.
Level restriction: 90+, B-class license(Act 16). Re-entry is restricted by time.

And this is not the end too.

Two persons are ready to trade [Counterfeit Macca].
Tarot exchanger — you can find it in Protopia.
Several new items in COMP_SHOP.
Slightly changed dungeon rewards.
And, of course, latest set of fixes and requested items.

Happy hunting.
"More fixes for Shinagawa Catacombs (Gold), as well as several miscellaneous fixes for quests and other dungeons."

-Unknown versions of Nakano Ruins and Shibuya Quartz.
-New items in COMP-Shop and DB Ann.
-Trader in Nakano Camp.
-Shinjuku Wonder Underground.

-New instance in Dark Babel.
-New plugin and devil.
-New DF items and epitaphs.
-Racial features unblock.
"Chain of Curse, various bug fixes"


Unknown version for Celu Tower. To obtain the plate, you have to mix two Suginami Unknown plates.
Difficulty and exp gain increased. Rewards may be changed.
Shiva's skillset adjustement. No more useless punch.
DSP disabled in PVP.
PVP ghosts enabled to allow matches with low number of participants.
"Nakano Boundless Domain, Main Acts (17 through 20-2 and XX), roughly 85% of one off events complete, and bug fixes. Reposted to fix typo with Act 17"


Shiva and Vishnu are reincarnated with new powers. You can meet them in TMG building.
Access requies Yantra of Prosperity or Destruction, both can be found in Cathedral reward chests(hard mode).
Also, increased stack size for some items, added mass item mix recipes for AKQJ boxes(excluding WILDCARD) and removed city decorations.

-Hairstyles: Furiae(F), Celaeno(F), Dwarf(M), Indra(M).
-Head gear: Odin, Morrigan, Nyarlathotep.
-Back gear: Seth, Metatron, Metatron. -Extra: SMT armband.



Comp_client.dll and translation.xml updated as well.

-WILDCAT mode for Nakano Ruins, Shibuya Quartz and Celu Tower. Reward list expanded.
-BEARCAT Silver USO modes for Celu Tower and Suginami Tunnels now have special low-rate rewards: Skill Orbs for "C4U!" and "Bitter Powder", as well as Jet Crystals for weapons. Added automatically to everyone in the room after boss defeat.
-Chance to get additional Evil Crystals after defeating Masakado.
-Valuable Challenge now has Demon versions of IX and X tarots.
-Roboko barter list expanded: medium runes in 5-packs and mass barter for SP tickets.
-A lot of item mixes been made easier.
-Items stack increased.
-Previews for new demon fusions are no longer broken.
-DB Ann has new items. Motion COMPs added: invisible items that only change character's animation.
-Little changes to COMP-SHOP. Added WILDCAT consumables.
-New COMP-HACK Dungeon FS. Built specially for yellow snow. Apart from it, new high-tier demon and special demon are obtainable there.
To enter, talk to a certain DB not so far from Casino.
-New Year 10-days login campaign. Every day you can receive a little gift for talking to special NPC.
Also an option for people who won't be able to login every day.
-New Year decorations for Shinjuku Babel. Thanks to Trafuri for illustration.

Happy hunting, and happy New Year.

Sly Yagi dug up a hole to get into ShanShan-City, so he can grab untouched resources lying there. However, turns out demons already made the mall their nest. Sly Yagi is not upset — he knows, Demon Busters are ready to pay to get an entry...
New classic dungeon: Ikebukuro Mall. Rewards are: new demons' plugins(4), their DSouls, several new Epitaphs and a set of skills that were unavailable.
Entrance is located near Cathedral of Shadows, in Ikebukuro.
No level restriction, but experienced DBs have an advantage.

But it's not everything.

Worlds continue to collide, creating strange interweavings. Part of Black Amala Temple is available, but don't get fooled by familiar looks: this place is now unstable infinite maze, and one should not spend too much time there.
New dungeon: Amala Maze Black. Solo dungeon with timer.
Reward depends on amount of rooms you've cleared, dying or making a mistake resets the counter.
Entrance is located near Cathedral of Shadows, in Ikebukuro.
Level restriction: 90+, B-class license(Act 16). Re-entry is restricted by time.

And this is not the end too.

Two persons are ready to trade [Counterfeit Macca].
Tarot exchanger — you can find it in Protopia.
Several new items in COMP_SHOP.
Slightly changed dungeon rewards.
And, of course, latest set of fixes and requested items.

Happy hunting.
"More fixes for Shinagawa Catacombs (Gold), as well as several miscellaneous fixes for quests and other dungeons."

-Unknown versions of Nakano Ruins and Shibuya Quartz.
-New items in COMP-Shop and DB Ann.
-Trader in Nakano Camp.
-Shinjuku Wonder Underground.

-New instance in Dark Babel.
-New plugin and devil.
-New DF items and epitaphs.
-Racial features unblock.
"Chain of Curse, various bug fixes"


Unknown version for Celu Tower. To obtain the plate, you have to mix two Suginami Unknown plates.
Difficulty and exp gain increased. Rewards may be changed.
Shiva's skillset adjustement. No more useless punch.
DSP disabled in PVP.
PVP ghosts enabled to allow matches with low number of participants.
"Nakano Boundless Domain, Main Acts (17 through 20-2 and XX), roughly 85% of one off events complete, and bug fixes. Reposted to fix typo with Act 17"


Shiva and Vishnu are reincarnated with new powers. You can meet them in TMG building.
Access requies Yantra of Prosperity or Destruction, both can be found in Cathedral reward chests(hard mode).
Also, increased stack size for some items, added mass item mix recipes for AKQJ boxes(excluding WILDCARD) and removed city decorations.

-Hairstyles: Furiae(F), Celaeno(F), Dwarf(M), Indra(M).
-Head gear: Odin, Morrigan, Nyarlathotep.
-Back gear: Seth, Metatron, Metatron. -Extra: SMT armband.

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